BLOG #4 - The PATIENCE it took to make $300K in 30 days

AT09 - Blog #4 - “THE PROCESS”


- The last 3 blogs that I produced recently were focused on the current situation of trading, and a general sense of what It means to be a trader daily. Detailing “The Process,” (THE NEW REVOLUTION Of KNOWLEDGE) and all of it’s subtle intricacies.

Now, I want to get into the journey of myself, and the journey of sizing up. The journey of losses, the journey of the emotional, to the UN-emotional. And my buddies testimonials - to illustrate commonalities through overall “trader progression.” Let’s delve into the PAST for a minute to examine the evolution of mine and other’s successes. I want to show how things DO NOT happen OVERNIGHT! 

Let me start by saying that YES, I have found a ton of success in this industry, made A-LOT of money, and most importantly - consistent success in that, I am green almost every week, month, year - with the rare exception of a random red week and or month… hey, I’m human too.


It was NOT always the case. When you see the daily PN/L’s of $3k - $58K Days… Guys if you think this happened overnight, or that finding money in this world Is that easy - just go play the lottery and quit trading already. This game incorporates a prepared mind, but most importantly a MATURE mind. It’s common sense to realize that being a success at ANYTHING will take time. Look at some of my 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd year Profits preliminary Gains + Losses for examples. I was NOT alway’s the “ALEX” I am today… 

What do you see? HUGE gains? NO!!!!!! You see a trader putting in his time, paying his dues, and riding success one day at a time… 

“No Loss, or minute watching charts goes to WASTE, if you learned something from it.” - This is the secret sauce. 

Longevity of consistency, through time spent in the battlefield. You need to develop building blocks, and a strong foundation from minute one. Work ethic, trust in the process, constant learning, and the ELIMINATION of ego, with the EXTERMINATION of EMOTION = Essential. True BLUE-PRINTS. 

One of the WORST things you can do as a trader, is see all your “boys” on twitter/Idols, pulling in massive gains regularly, and you SIZE UP, due to “PROFIT FOMO.” Thinking you can do the same, JUST BECAUSE they are doing it. Guess what, you may be new, and NOT know what to look for, and then get into a heap of trouble. That is NOT okay. Why? Because that Problem is AVOIDABLE. DO YOU, play to your evolution, and DO NOT think you can do what your Idol is doing if you don’t build your foundation first. Focus on you, and profit’s will come in time. But don’t skip the organic aging process as a trader. For Every trader ages in their own way, at their own speed. Evolve on your own timeline. NOT anyone else’s. 

I have good friends that became profitable regularly, after 1, 3, 5 years, and one or two even 8 years later. Do not try to be someone else, and don’t mimic anyone! You will learn who you are in trading, through your own evolution, breathing it in daily, weekly, yearly, and through decades to come with the right determination, and consistent lifestyle. Consistency is the key. Get up, and get up again. Then get the fuck up again!

One of my good trader friends @TBRADLEY90 wrote something out to me, that he said I could share… as per the theme of this blog… to illustrate another point of view. Along the same topic discussed above.  

TB - Quotes:

“Yo Alex, I’ll give just a little shoutout into my trading career to further - your vision for this blog. While I have been trading near a 4 year time-line. I found some decent consistency, around the 2.6 Year-MARK, and pulled in gains regularly. They were not much to brag about, and not that they weren’t great compared to a normal job, but I knew I was lacking SOMETHING. Major Conviction, and Confidence, even though I knew a vast amount of trader psychology, and how to apply it to price action. The minute I connected with like-minded traders, and grew accustomed to seeing regularly - what others saw, my confidence began to BUILD quickly. I soon realized that while I was consistent, the only thing I needed was to grow a SACK, and take off the DIAPER, and trust in the knowledge I had learned. NEW MOTTO = Don’t Be A PUSSY! After meeting you around the 3 year-mark… and trading with you for MANY, MANY months now, and connecting on a daily basis… Changed EVERYTHING! My profits tripled/quadrupled if i’m calculating right, and my consistency was increased exponentially, having been able to talk to you all day/everyday, and see what you saw in comparison, was the KEY for me. I have to give props to the community of close friends, who light the path for traders going from the intermediate level to more PRO(ish)-PRO level. Being around your level of expertise regularly made up of experience, knowledge, and mostly TRUST in your own process elevated me quickly, and I NEVER looked back. Trading on a higher frequency. Honored to call you a trading partner, colleague, and forever pal. You have a rare gift: To uplift fellow traders, and make them better by your example, and your advise, taking them to the next phase of their career. Been sizing up more, and more every week (NOWHERE close to you yet ;), and getting a feel of what it’s like to play with the big boys. Every day is a test to the ego, the character, and OR - The “COMFORT ZONE” that all of us traders create for ourselves to cope with our own trader demons. Thrilling to say the least, but with great risk, comes INSANE responsibility. No trade taken lightly EVER Again. “The Process” is the KEY!”

^ Those are his words, NOT mine… Through his evolution (which has been really cool to see, with my help), and understanding he was able to tackle some of the hardest difficulties surrounding the psychology of this game. By the way, I had pretty much the same evolution, in that finding my traders - to trade alongside was everything for me too. Finding my idols and continuing their legacy of knowledge in my own trading style was the cherry on top. Fortunately, I found them very early on. Especially with SIZING! Which is a huge category most traders struggle with. I personally adapted to quickly. 
Sizing up is NO small thing. Whoever you are, and whatever your comfort level, it will be different from person to person. Sizing is relative, and NOT general. 1K shares to you, might be pocket change to him. Or vice-versa. 

When I first started out. Throwing 2k SHORT on some Piggie was nerve racking, and border-line pushing my limits. Now throwing 10-20k shares - feels like I’m barely dipping my toes in the water, but that is the POINT. That had to be developed over years, and through the experience of many losses to get the bigger picture, and understand the lesson’s needed going forward. To get the idea, that there is NOT just one way to trade, but rather a million different ways. 

BTW, for anyone new to using SIZE, or not yet pushing any… Sizing is an art form in itself, and it is NOT like “normal trading,” like in the beginning of your career due to several factors. There really is a science to it, along with Finesse. 
  1. Slippage. 
  2. Filling many more shares on illiquid names, if you can at all. 
  3. Getting out of those positions. 
  4. Getting over that “SHOCKED” feeling when a play is ripping against you, and you are NOT in small anymore… you are now stuck, and have to mitigate the loss, as best you can. NO SMALL FEAT! This is hard for ANY trader, of any level. 
  5. With size, when you are wrong, YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG, and it will show up quick in red numbers. It’s enough to make some traders physically ill, and sick to their stomach’s. BEWARE risking size, when you are NOT ready. Being ready for size is a long process, that will be determined on CONSISTENCY first. AND THAT IS WHY - MOST IMPORTANTLY - IF YOU ARE SIZING… It is that much more important to pick your A+ Setups. 


I personally developed the ability to use size early(ish) into my career, and have been doing so for a few years now… Once you experience size, it’s ALMOST impossible to go back to small shares. The feeling is an absolute adrenaline rush, an addiction beyond anything you’ve ever experienced, and if done right, will make you feel like KING MIDAS - when DONE RIGHT. And let me tell you, when she say’s “Size doesn’t matter, she’s LYING.” 

For Fun + Also Inspiration… I Found An OLD Folder (Dated From Dec 2014 to September 2015… PN/L’s - IN ORDER) - As You Can See I Have Gone Through QUITE The Transformation… 



This took a lot of blood, sweat, tears and sleepless nights... But one thing is for sure... I NEVER GAVE UP AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!

Keep in mind... ALL of these trades were through my own THOUGHT PROCESS! I never followed anyone's email or text alerts.

If you subscribe to any of those clowns you are BOUND TO LOSE!

In conclusion, I just wanted to bullet point some things: 
  1. A Trader must go with the flow, and evolve as the tide takes them, but you can at some point control the “surf,” and how you ride it. Finding this pivotal point of your career is life changing, and once you do you’ll never be the same. And Once you cross that bridge, YOU'RE NOT GOING BACK!
  2. Size Is a gift, a privilege, a blessing, and a headache all in one. Tread lightly, and only when ready. 
  3. Beware EGO, as it manipulates, and skews your rational thinking during irrational times. 
  6. There is a difference between organic and forced evolution. 
  7. Remember that $200 dollar Gains/Profits a day is a blueprint to future $2,000 dollar days. Which then is a foundation built, and established to push much further… but it ALL starts with the $200 Days. 
  8. Trust “THE PROCESS”.

By The Way -- ASK YOUR FURU about their journey. See if they built consistency by growing gains over time..... or by jamming up POS stocks for a living.

Most made money AFTER they started a subscription service or by pumping NANO FLOAT STOCKS...NO FURU shit with me. Real Trading, real capital, real PROCESS!



What Has Your GURU//FURU Done Lately ????

From Dante:

Thanks for reading!





Previous Blogs:

BLOG 1 [$102K Milestone]



BLOG 4 [The patience it took to make $300k in 30 days] :


My Chat with Traders Interview:


  1. Just AWESOME thank you for taking the time and sharing.

  2. Thanks Alex, great blog!
    I will Definitely give back something of value in return of these inspiring and educational material.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Thank you for this Alex, very inspiring. I look forward to your tweets and blogs.

  4. Hey Alex, thank you for posting this. It would be great if you could post links to your earlier blog posts as I'm having trouble finding them. Thanks again, man!


    2. none of those links work; the blog is all f*d up. can you repost them?

  5. Alex, thanks for posting this blog. my question is what do you think is an okay amount to start an account? what do you think about growing small accounts - let's say 5K? is that reasonable?

    1. I think $5K-$10K is good

    2. Thanks Alex. Can you speak few words about how you got started - your equity, your initial loss and the lesson you learned from them in another blog? New traders start off by losing some and some lose a lot, and that is where I am at. but learning from your experience and how you managed to learn to discipline yourself would be a great help for us all. what do you say? i feel like i am giving you an assignment. due soon. :)

      your most important indicator to get into a stock would also make another great blog - what you see, what your risk level is and how you size in and out. thanks. hager, from IU chatroom.

  6. Inspriational man thank you for this

  7. This is such amazing value. Thanks for sharing all this. I like the bit about the Guru/Furu too. So nice to see some real words from someone who's not selling anything and just spitting real words! Thanks man!

  8. Alex, your first and second docs aren't available. Can you please make them available again? Very eager to read them too.

  9. Thank you for the screen prints & your brutal honesty. I have been trading for a long time and bored. But, watching you on twitter has been inspiring. Thank You

  10. So many thoughts I have from this post, Alex. But I have to say...
    THIS IS GOLD IN THE ROUGH -> "But don’t skip the organic aging process as a trader. For Every trader ages in their own way, at their own speed. Evolve on your own timeline. NOT anyone else’s. "
    - Alex

    I don't think people understand just how significant this is. It's not sexy or flashy - actually its very uncomfortable to young people looking for fast results because its truth that doesn't taste good, like veggies you know you need but don't want to eat.

    But "don't skip the organic aging process" is something that, once you comprehend what it really means, gives you a sort of humility & conviction that carries you forward when others quit (because they have to from blowing up or get tired of facing the consequences of a lack of focus).

    Thank You for sharing this & for being so approachable! So many others tend to have a poor attitude or such an inflated ego I get repulsed by it. Keep it up man!

    By the way - did you see my DM in instagram? Please respond when you have a chance. My name is Matthew John Armstrong. I'm passionate about this & very hungry while being in a very unique situation compared to most - see the message I sent you please!

  11. Great blog. I'm going to print it all !!!!

  12. Thank you for taking the time and effort : )

  13. Thanks for sharing the informative blogs with us on trading. Keep updating more like this.
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