BLOG #4 - The PATIENCE it took to make $300K in 30 days

AT09 - Blog #4 - “THE PROCESS” “A TRADERS JOURNEY + S I Z I N G ” - The last 3 blogs that I produced recently were focused on the current situation of trading, and a general sense of what It means to be a trader daily. Detailing “The Process,” (THE NEW REVOLUTION Of KNOWLEDGE) and all of it’s subtle intricacies. Now, I want to get into the journey of myself, and the journey of sizing up. The journey of losses, the journey of the emotional, to the UN-emotional. And my buddies testimonials - to illustrate commonalities through overall “trader progression.” Let’s delve into the PAST for a minute to examine the evolution of mine and other’s successes. I want to show how things DO NOT happen OVERNIGHT! Let me start by saying that YES, I have found a ton of success in this industry, made A-LOT of money, and most importantly - consistent success in that, I am green almost every week, month, year - with the rare exception of a random ...