Ladies and Gentlemen! The Time is NOW! M.I.C. is BORN! “Welcome to MyInvestingClub ! Home to a vast amount of like minded, professional investors/trader’s aiming for 3 goals DAILY: Being apart of a very exclusive trading community, access to endless amounts of decades of knowledge, and everyone’s personal favorite: making MONEY. We’re here to change the status quo. To take the image of “The day-trader”, flip it o ff its axis, and re-shape the wheel.” We are so excited to launch our new service, and to provide the trading community with 5-star quality products, and talent. We are o ff ering a complete list of the following: Chatroom Access to a very exclusive M.I.C. Family. (THERE WILL BE A CAP!) Mobile access to our main chat. One-on-one mentorships with the ability to hire/book a personal mentor to take you under their wing, and show you the ropes of this industry. ...